In-Person and Digital Association Engagement Strategy

digital engagement for associationsCOVID-19 changed everything. Associations and chambers should continue to provide value to members online.

Be a resource.
Now is an ideal time to continue positioning your association or chamber as an expert and drive greater awareness of your organization and its mission.

    • How to Make Sure Emails Get Through to Your Members
    • 4 Tips for Successful Association Email Campaigns

Shift to webinars and online conferences.
Keep your members informed by sending updates on how your association or chamber will continue programming.

    • Why Host a Virtual Conference
    • Virtual Conferencing Tools
    • Tips for Video Conferencing from Home

Incorporate video into your messaging.
Hold some events via webinar or video conference as well as in person to continue to provide value to your members.

    • 5 Reasons Why Associations Should Use Vertical Video
    • Easy Ways to Use Video to Engage Members

Put the “social” in social media.
Use social media to give members the valuable human interaction they continue to crave.

    • Using Stories – Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook
    • LinkedIn Pages Best Practices
    • 30 Social Media Post Ideas
    • Snapchat 101 for Associations

Facilitate member-to-member connections.
Continue thinking outside the box to keep their members connected.

    • How to Create a LinkedIn Group for Associations

Find new forms of engagement.
Your association can fulfill the need for professionals to quickly learn and consume content to grow their knowledge and skillsets.

    • Strategies for Association Micro-Learning
    • Engage Your Members with a Virtual Book Club

Implement online payment options.
Have a system for emailing association invoices and accepting online payments into your financial model.

    • How to Choose a Credit Card Processor
    • Selling Association Memberships Through Your Website
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