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Member Engagement

How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Association Onboarding

Association industry vernacular defines onboarding as a process through which new members move from being organizational outsiders to becoming organizational insiders. Translation? Onboarding is a party and your association is the host. Consider the following two scenarios: In one scenario, you’ve recently met a new acquaintance and invite them to your party. When they arrive, you don’t greet them, you don’t point them to the buffet, you fail to introduce them to other guests, and when it ends, not only […]

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By the Numbers: Association Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Word-of-mouth is so powerful because “we trust each other so much more than we trust businesses.” – Jay Baer WHAT Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) is defined as: An unpaid form of promotion in which satisfied customers tell other people how much they like a business, product or service and is triggered when a customer (member) experiences something beyond what is expected. WHY 83% of Americans have recommended a product or service to someone else. 55% of Americans make product […]

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A Simple Tactic to Appeal to Prospective Young Members

In an article recently featured in Minnesota Meetings and Events magazine, GrowthZone Association Management Software explored benefits that attract young professional members to join associations. This demographic has high expectations for their association memberships; with the influx of millennials and Gen Z into the workspace, associations must continue to manage their offerings carefully. Providing association benefits that young professionals really want is critical. But more importantly, communicating these association benefits is key. Of all the benefits associations should promote in […]

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Association Board Orientation Planning Checklist

In Part 1 of our Board Orientation series, GrowthZone focused on how associations should establish goals and define success when setting up an association new board of directors’ orientation. The next step in the process is to decide how to structure the board member orientation. There are dozens of ways to format association board onboarding and many decisions to be made. Get the Field Guide to Association Board Orientation for a step-by-step plan.  What is the orientation plan? Will it […]

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Next Steps in the Association New-Member Onboarding Process

Our recent post, The First 3 Months of Association New-Member Onboarding covered the first three months of the onboarding process. The new-member onboarding and first-year renewal processes go beyond dropping a welcome packet into the mail. A touch plan to improve the process builds a strong foundation for engagement and for a long-term membership. Take a look at the next three months, then download the complete plan of the onboarding process. 4 Months Enter member into your Association’s marketing funnel […]

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The First 3 Months of Association New-Member Onboarding

New-member onboarding is crucial for associations. A touch plan to improve the process builds a strong foundation for engagement and for a long-term membership. The new-member onboarding and first-year renewal processes work hand-in-hand and should be a 12+ month program (at a minimum). Take a look at the steps for the first three months, then download the complete plan of the onboarding process. Day 1-7 Send welcome email. Mail new-member packet. Call the member to say, “Welcome to the association.”. […]

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Hey, Young Professionals – 3 Big Reasons You Should Join

“What’s in it for me?” At a time when a professional’s experience and qualifications are available at the touch of a button, keeping your LinkedIn profile (and resume) fresh is important. Association membership allows young professionals to demonstrate a commitment to continuing education, a personal investment in the industry, and a variety of other “selling points” to gain credibility and experience without jumping jobs. Here are three ways associations can help: Reputation Building Associations help members create a name for […]

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5 Tips for an Extraordinary Association Golf Scramble

Your association’s next member golf event can run smoothly – if it is planned correctly. Members likely return to their association golf outing each year to see people they may only see once a year, plus it’s always a fun day to get out of the office. Here are 5 things you can do to make your event more profitable, better attended, and a positive member experience: Get the Right People on the Committee Recruit a variety of people to […]

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2 Ways for Associations to Appeal to Young Professionals

The next era of the association world is dependent on recruitment, engagement, and renewals of young professionals. This article covers two aspects of membership certain to appeal to this generation. Written by the GrowthZone team, a recent article in Minnesota Meetings and Events magazine discusses a variety of ways to promote unrecognized membership benefits to young members and prospects. Access to Exclusive Information The ability to quickly access exclusive content such as legislative policy updates, original research, and proprietary content […]

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Young Association Members: Myths vs. Facts

“The greatest asset our country has is not oil or gold, but the minds of our young people.” – Irving Fradkin This generation is sure to determine the future of associations, making the participation of young professionals critical to the vitality and longevity of member-based organizations. So how do you take advantage of this demographic shift to attract young professionals to your association? Developing a SWOT Analysis doesn’t have to be complicated. Download How to Create an Association SWOT Analysis […]

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Snapchat 101 for Associations

Editor’s note: This article was originally posted on September 18, 2018. It has been updated. Snapchat could be just what you need to engage members or potential members – particularly young professionals. In the past, its younger user base and short-lived content may have left you unsure about adding this channel to your association’s social media strategy. But, it’s important to evaluate if (and how) it can help your organization reach its goals.  Less is More: The value of one […]

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24 Ideas: April Social Media Posts for Associations

Karaoke Week, Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and Deep-Dish Pizza Day are a few April holidays. Easily fill your organization’s social media feed with these themes: April Monthly Holidays and Observances Autism Awareness Month Distracted Driving Awareness Month Poetry Month Oral Cancer Awareness Month Grilled Cheese Month Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month Testicular Cancer Awareness Month April Weekly Holidays and Observances April 7-13     National Library Week (generally 2nd week in April) April 7-13     U.S. Volunteer Appreciation Week (changes […]

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