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Post-Pandemic Recovery for Associations

post-covid planningA compilation of strategic ideas to help organizations move forward.

Over the past six weeks and after thousands of one-on-one conversations with chambers and associations, the GrowthZone team has learned a lot.

Many organizations have risen to the occasion, reinventing themselves and are emerging better equipped to provide benefit to their members.
Conversely, others have held on to a business-as-usual approach. As a result, demonstrating value has been a challenge.
There are two paths forward: Return to business as usual or leverage the chance to innovate. If you’re ready to innovate, go to our online guide, How to Thrive After a Pandemic.

[BLOG] Crisis Renewal Letter Template
for Associations and Chambers »

Designed to be a thought-provoking, strategic planning tool, the guide is for associations and chambers of commerce, as well as their boards of directors to navigate the road ahead.

It’s packed with tips, recommendations, and success stories stemming from our many conversations with chambers and associations. Each topic dials in on specific program concepts, case studies, and innovative ideas.

The guide includes resources for the following:

Reassess Your Value Proposition: Reevaluate how you’ll deliver value going forward.

Cut the (Desktop) Cord: Go digital and untether your employees from their office computer.

End the One-Size-Fits-All Membership: Provide members with customized options.

Innovate Your Events: Embrace the trend of digital events that were already underway.

Rethink Member Communications: Keep members informed & connected.

Embrace Advocacy: Build relationships and participate in the legislative process.

Be the Voice of Your Community: Don’t wait for an invitation to lead.

convince board of directors new association software

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