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A Simple Social Media Tip for Association Pros

When it comes to spending time marketing your association on social media channels, it’s easy to “save it for another day.” After all, association pros are always on the run and their time is at a premium.

social media tips for associations imageHowever, social media cannot be an afterthought because it’s critical to keep social media at the forefront of your association’s marketing strategy. People turn to social media for information. They seek everything from news to event updates, from job openings to advice on purchasing decisions.
Associations are THE voice of industries and movements. When social media users are seeking information, your organization should be providing the answers.
According to Nielsen, Americans spend an average of 5-6 hours/week on social media. This is an increase of 36% since 2015.

Your Daily Routine

To win at social media marketing for your association, include it as part of your daily routine. At the end of each day, schedule your posts for the next day, see what has resonated with your followers recently, and respond to any user engagement. Or, if it’s your least favorite task, do it right away in the morning and be done with it.
There are free, online social media management tools available and as social channels evolve; it is becoming easier to schedule future posts directly in their platform.

Include Images

Statistics prove that including images in posts drives stronger engagement. Creating graphics has been simplified by software such as Canva.

Give it a Try

Not convinced? Try the daily sit-down for one week. What’s the worst that can happen: Engaged members? Advocacy awareness? Increased event attendance? What have you got to lose?

30 Quick and Easy Ideas for
Social Media Posts for Associations

SEE ALSO: Social Media Tips for Busy Association Professionals 

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